How do different types of liquid affect marshmallows?

- Make a prediction - how will these different types of liquids affect marshmallows? Some questions to consider:
Will the size of the marshmallows change? Will the shape change?
Will the liquid stay the same?
- Label each of the cups with what type of liquid is inside. To control the variables, pour the same amount of each liquid into each cup, and make sure all the liquids are the same temperature.
Put five mini marshmallows into each cup.
After one minute, record your observations. What do you notice?
- Record your observations after a longer period of time, like 5 minutes or half an hour. Were your predictions correct? Does anything surprise you?

Try the same experiment with the same type of liquid at different temperatures, like boiling, room temperature, and ice water. How does temperature affect the marshmallows?
- Try this experiment again with big marshmallows. How does the size of the marshmallow affect what happens to it?
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